Sunday 7 January 2018

Scribble #66

Excerpts from the past:

So to most pop culture circles and the mainstream media, I - as someone of a gender making up half the human race - am a unicorn. Rarely spoken of or seen, and probably don't exist - or it's preferred that I don't exist, because women-I mean unicorns become scary and complicated when they speak and express humanity. But we're lookers, so let's use us as eye candy.

Unicorns shine. Spread the love and progress!

Pray tell, what does it mean to "age gracefully"? And why should it only apply to women who are just growing forwards like all human beings do? The horror! Then we can't objectify them anymore apparently, but we can always patronize, ridicule and bully them for their bodies at least; they're only there for superficial scrutiny from others after all >:(

Bitchy Resting Face: invented by self-entitled guys whose major (or lesser) dating and flirting experience is with women who didn't like them or preferred not to give them the satisfaction of acknowledging them. Really, women should not still be expected to act like Stepford wives for men's pleasure and attention. And just because someone's not smiling doesn't mean they're not happy. It's their life, not an illness.

'You're strong/smart/funny/cool for a girl' is not a compliment. It basically translates to 'You're the exception to the rule that girls are lesser'. There is no respect in that. Same goes for excuses for sexist media with 'But we have one or two strong/smart/funny/cool women - that's enough!' 

Feminism (equality) is still being seen as man-hating. That is false information, yet many men see it as a justification/excuse for women-hating. And apparently that's socially fine and dandy. Why is so-called man-hating evil, but threatening and hurting women is socially the norm and even acceptable? Logic fail and a sign of patriarchy's deeply ingrained misogyny. Threatening and hurting ANY HUMAN BEING is not okay.

A woman without her man is helpless.

A woman, without her man, is helpless.

A woman: without her, man is helpless.

Guess which of these is grammatically correct. And just right.

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