Friday 19 January 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 19: Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)

Strengths: Altruistic, noble, ambitious, modest, caring, goodhearted, funny without trying, not above a silly sense of humour, brave when need be, determined to protect people - especially those close to her - and do the right thing no matter what the general and/or cultural consensus is, a relatable teenage superhero (and fangirl).

Weaknesses: Uncertain, conflicted, lacking self-confidence, insecure, identity crisis between being a superhero, a normal teen, and a Muslim daughter deeply ingrained in cultural/religious roots that some people she knows (white Americans mostly) don't understand, can be naive, plus an inadvertent troublemaker, goes into dangerous situations headfirst without thinking things through.

Powers/Abilities: Inhuman genetics: as Ms. Marvel, she can shapeshift, change sizes, elongate parts of her body, self-heal, and she possesses super strength, agility and a high endurance. Is very creative as a civilian, such as in making costumes.

Will: Moderate to strong.

Home/Place of Origin: Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. Family is originally from Karachi, Pakistan.

Occupation: High school student, superhero, Avenger. Also a member of the Champions and the Secret Warriors.

Social Standing: Extrovert - at least she is not as socially-awkward and self-conscious as she was when she first started. She tries, and gets better as she gains confidence.

Ethnicity: Pakistani-American.

Sexuality: Heterosexual (though is not committed to any romantic attachments at the moment).

Other Trivia: The first Muslim superhero ever, and Marvel's first Muslim character to be the lead in her own comic book series. Was a Marvel superhero fanfiction writer before her powers are given to her one night out in town, disobeying her parents' wishes, and she becomes the superhero she's always revered. Stumbling blocks along the way ensue, internally as well as externally. Carol Danvers, the former Ms. Marvel, is her idol. She is also a huge fan of Wolverine and Spider-Man. Her superheroic journey is one of self-discovery and growing up into her own independent hero. She is not just Carol Danvers' mantle legacy. She's young, she makes mistakes, she will be harshly judged no matter how hard she tries to do right by people, she simplifies things and doesn't understand every adult issue in the world, but she will have the innocent underdog's back. She will look out for the ordinary and unprivileged people, and put their needs first, for she has been in that position herself. She has a lot of friends who will help her out in any crisis. Despite some family problems, as is normal for any Muslim and non-Muslim teenager, she loves and respects them and her religion unconditionally. Her race and religion are a fundamental part of her life and background, but they don't define her whole character. She's a much-needed, vital hero, idol and inspiration to everyone, not just Muslims living in either America or anywhere else where they are constantly under racist threat and attack, yet the victims are seen as the threat. Imperfect yet perfect for our times, that is Kamala Khan.

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