Tuesday 16 January 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 16: Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

Strengths: Brave, smart, funny, witty, high-spirited, open, fun-loving, determined, headstrong, confident, strong sense of justice, loves a challenge, continuously beats her limitations, always on the move, hero to humans and aliens.

Weaknesses: Easily swayed and manipulated, can be misguided, too trusting, poor judge of character and situation, aggressive, impatient, impulsive, prone to violence to solve problems. In her past conception in Marvel comics she was the fanservice heroine Ms. Marvel - a distaff counterpart to Mar-Vell, aka the male Captain Marvel - and has been a damsel in distress many times (plus mentally unhinged due to a duel personality disorder and constant psychic attacks), as well as falling victim to the Mystical Pregnancy in Avengers #200.

Powers/Abilities: Kree alien powers: including flight, super strength and speed, star laser hands, enhanced durability, absorbing energy, "seventh sense" precognitive flashes, and a psychic connection to other Kree. She punches asteroids like one drinks coffee. As well as a superhero, she is a pilot of any aircraft and starship. Diplomacy skills are also needed for her work in space travel.

Will: Weak.

Home/Place of Origin: Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Travels back and forth from earth to space depending on her comic storyline.

Occupation: Avenger, pilot, intelligence agent, scientist, astronaut, writer, ambassador, spaceship captain, Carol Corps leader (alternate universe), A-Force member (another alternate universe). Has worked for NASA, the CIA, the USA Air Force Special Operations, the Department of Defense, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the space-faring Starjammers.

Social Standing: Extrovert.

Ethnicity: Caucasian.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Other Trivia: Also known as Ms. Marvel, Warbird, and Binary. A case of a poorly-written, poorly-treated female character being saved and uplifted to iconic status as a result of a female writer taking charge of her. This star Avenger started off in life as a NASA scientist whose genetics were altered by the Kree Psyche-Magnitron; thus becoming Ms. Marvel, a fanservice superheroine made weak, confused and ineffectual in comparison to the men around her. In the infamous Avengers #200 issue in 1980, she is carelessly written off to run away with her kidnapper/rapist/son, after the trauma of her Mystical Pregnancy via mind control-induced rape. This makes her one of the thankfully extremely rare cases of the misogynistic writing trope: "She gave birth to her rapist". This is also where she started on the path to becoming a recovering alcoholic. She was on the very morally-questionable pro-registration side during the Marvel Civil War event in 2006. Since then she has come a long way: Kelly Sue DeConnick redeemed her to new and spectacular heights as the new Captain Marvel. She's smart, she's fun, she's sassy, she's funny, she fears no obstacles except within herself - she's the next generation's Flash Gordon. A bright, shining supernova of a personality. She's a big Star Wars fan, and has a female cat (revealed to be an alien flerken cat) named Chewie. Many women and girls admire her (including Kit, the daughter of one of her lifelong friends); she has lots of female friends - superheroine, civilian, and space alien. She had wanted to prove herself capable her whole life, when her farther didn't want her to be a scientist and astronaut because she's a girl; investing in education for her brothers instead. She inspires girls both in-universe and in her readership. Sadly it seems her character has received yet another major derailment in 2016's Marvel Civil War II. She can bounce back, however, as she's done before. For she never gives up. In 2019 she will be the star of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first female-led film, Captain Marvel. About time, too.

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