Monday 1 January 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 1: Elphaba (Wicked)

Strengths: High intelligence, well-read, honest, philosophical, possessing great magical power and potential, compassionate, caring for animals and Animals, caring for her sister Nessarose, altruistic, a persistent activist, a considerate friend, a rebel in resistance to corrupt authority figures, always working to reach higher and higher - reaching for the sky, defying limitations (Defying Gravity).

Weaknesses: Closed off, prefers to be alone in her troubles and activism, distrusting, sneaky, impulsive, volatile, overprotective, searching for positive paternal figures in the wrong places, bad luck with trying to help people and do the right things (No Good Deed Goes Unpunished).

Powers/Abilities: Spellcasting from the Grimoire, moving objects with her willpower, flying on a broomstick, animal assistants, and singing!

Will: Strong.

Home/Place of Origin: Oz.

Occupation: Witch - officially the Wicked Witch of the West.

Social Standing: Introvert.

Ethnicity: Green (indication in nearly every incarnation of her points to her being white if she were born normal).

Sexuality: Bisexual (implied, at least in the 1995 novel).

Other Trivia: Is a child of two worlds - Earth and Oz, adding to her power and potential as a legend. Is much better written in the musical than the book. Is a mother in the book, to Liir (but she can't remember giving birth to him, which, FYI, is an impossibility). She is a bookworm, and a rebel. She loves unconditionally, and cares for the freedom and well-being of all living creatures. She's a doer and a thinker. A tragic figure in the book, but a symbol of love, hope, learning and truth in the musical.

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Willemijn+Verkaik.jpg (1200×1600)

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