Saturday 6 January 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 6: Wonder Woman

Strengths: Compassionate, loving, comforting, cultured, mature, tolerant, modest, cunning, extremely courageous, helpful, loyal, keeps her word, a strategist before she is a warrior, values truth and kindness and freedom above all things, a friend to all living creatures, always puts others' lives and needs before her own, unabashedly feminist, sets out to make the world a happier and beautiful place, an inspiring hero and saviour.

Weaknesses: Naive about some aspects of man's world outside of her isolated island home - she's had a sheltered upbringing, can be easily manipulated, is too trusting, impatient, capricious, temperamental, quick to violence - depending on what story, medium, and comics' run she's from; in which at some point she has been depowered for long periods of time, a love interest, a fanservice character, an angry, vengeful killer, a faux action girl, a weak link, a Woman in the Refrigerator, a Straw Feminist, and a Damsel in Distress. And a secretary for the Justice League.

Powers/Abilities: Super strength, speed, flight, bullet-deflecting bracelets, Lasso of Truth, Invisible jet, boomerang tiara (in some incarnations), swords, shields, tridents, use of Greek gods' tools and weapons, can communicate with animals, possesses extremely high endurance levels, is a diplomat and peacemaker in need in order to stop wars.

Will: Varies, depending on how she is written in her multiple incarnations.

Home/Place of Origin: Themyscira, aka Paradise Island. Currently resides in the United States of America.

Occupation: Amazon princess, warrior, superhero, Amazonian ambassador in man's world, humanitarian, author, secret agent, secretary - for the US army during World War II, and for the Justice League (urgh!).

Social Standing: Extrovert.

Ethnicity: Greek, however she is continuously depicted as having European/Caucasian physical features, as is the typical Western beauty standard.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Other Trivia: Also known as Diana, princess of the Amazons and daughter of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. In most versions of her civilian form, she is called Diana Prince. Has had a unique origin story of being birthed from clay and blessed with her tremendous gifts by the Greek gods. Due to her upbringing, she shares many bonds with women and lauds sisterhood and other female kinship. Her main, unchanging love interest in her mythos, in man's world, is Steve Trevor, and her best friend is Etta Candy. She has been the subject of so many writers, and has had hundreds of interpretations of her in the near-eighty-years since her creation, that it is often difficult to pinpoint her exact personality, particularly in her stance as a feminist character. She is the most famous, most universally-known female superhero of all time. In her 2011 DC New 52 run, she is retconned as a daughter of Zeus, where she is also given the title of God of War. Associating her life with men is an unfortunate common denominator for her at the hands of male writers, made to cater to the insecure, emasculated male gaze. However, her overall, preferred characterization in popular culture is that of a powerful, empowering woman who inspires other women and girls, who seeks justice for everybody regardless of differences, who would talk about peace and end fighting using words rather than deadly force, who is a healer, a symbol of hope, and who would spread the message of love and tolerance everywhere she goes. Despite the various and contradictory traits of her many, many character interpretations, her iconography, her staying power, her popularity, for all these decades - which continue to this day - speaks for itself.

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