Monday 8 January 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 8: Elsa (Frozen)

Strengths: Assertive, mature, intelligent, regal, refined, composed, polite, selfless, compassionate, loves her family, creative, well-organized, a nice sense of humour underneath it all, is a diplomat and a thoughtful leader.

Weaknesses: Anxiety issues, depression, PTSD, OCD (implied), closed off, secretive, oversensitive, self-conscious, self-hating, keeps her feelings bottled up to breaking point, scared of hurting people, a shut-in because of her unique gifts that since childhood she has been taught to view as a dangerous curse to be kept secret. Given that her powers are linked to her emotions, this could potentially be true, but through no fault of her own.

Powers/Abilities: Can create anything using her magical ice and snow powers (cryokinesis), which she was born with. Can even create life from snow and ice. She is also trained in leadership as queen, and is revealed to enjoy ice skating once she learns to love and express herself and her gifts.

Will: Varies, depending on her mood.

Home/Place of Origin: Arendelle, Norway.

Occupation: Queen of Arendelle.

Social Standing: Introvert.

Ethnicity: Caucasian.

Sexuality: Indeterminate, however there is speculation that she might be homosexual, to go further with the idea of her hiding her powers as a metaphor for being closeted. As hopeful as this sounds, and as well-supported by many higher-ups as it is, Disney is too stuck in its safe, conservative ways to likely make it canon. May find out for sure in the yet-to-be-released Frozen 2.

Other Trivia: Is the first Disney Princess to be officially crowned queen near the beginning of her movie. A single queen at that. Is the first to have a female sibling who plays a major role in her story. Is also the oldest Disney Princess at age twenty-one. Is loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. Despite her tremendous magical powers, plus coming from royalty, she is widely considered to be one of Disney's most relatable, sympathetic characters, especially in recent memory. This observation is due to her solitary role in hiding who she really is in a large, judgmental world, and her lonely, introverted, anxious and vulnerable personality. There is an air of mystery about her as well in puzzling where her powers came from. Was originally conceived as the villain of Frozen - "Let It Go" turned out to be too upbeat and positive for a villain's song, however, so she was changed into a misunderstood person instead. Is definitely the Dark Horse of the film. She shows how someone so gifted, privileged and powerful can still be painfully human, filled with doubts about herself - and trauma - which prevent her from fulfilling her potential. She suffers in her own skin in her private life. With that said, she subsequently shows how happiness comes from living fully and creatively, with no limitations placed on her by either herself or by others' expectations. Underneath her cold exterior is a warm heart filled with love, and with her childhood self who gleefully plays all day, not completely repressed. In that sense, she is a whirlwind, winter wonderland of a queen character.

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