Saturday 13 January 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 13: Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

Strengths: Serious, fearless, determined, smart, active, composed, top of her field, extremely talented and athletic, protective of her loved ones, never backs down, keeps moving forward no matter what, inbuilt and unbreakable will to survive, never gives in to despair, yet knows the right, necessary time to express her emotions and give release.

Weaknesses: Withdrawn, socially distant, cynical, comes across as cold and thoughtless to those who don't know her well, not averse to letting primal rage control her actions, tests her limits to breaking point, endangers herself for her loved ones, overprotective of her foster brother Eren Yeager, difficulty expressing relief as well as other positive, human feelings.

Powers/Abilities: Trained in combat against the gigantic Titans. Is very strong physically, emotionally and mentally. Adept in speed, agility, and in swordsmanship. Is considered a genius prodigy of the military. Is observant and persistent as a cadet, with high endurance levels. Achieves balance effortlessly.

Will: Strong.

Home/Place of Origin: Shinganshina, Wall Maria. Now lives in Trost District, Wall Rose.

Occupation: Survey Corps military top cadet, after graduation from student (was part of the 
104th Trainee Corps).

Social Standing: Introvert (hangs out with close friends only).

Ethnicity: Half-German/Caucasian (father's side), half-Japanese (mother's side).

Sexuality: Heterosexual (possibly - her feelings for Eren Yeager, the main protagonist, can be interpreted as either platonic or romantic. Also romance is not a focus in the manga and anime).

Other Trivia: She is a concrete example of the "strong, silent type". Is an exceptionally useful and capable heroine in shonen manga and anime, even more capable than the main male heroes, in fact. An orphan who was almost a victim of human trafficking and slavery, but was saved by the young, rage-filled Eren, and in an equal fit of uninhibited rage she kills the last of her parents' murderers standing. Thus she adopts the "kill-or-be-killed" human philosophy of survival in her devastated world where humanity is nearing extinction. She will not be a victim again, and will brutally punish wrongdoers. This is also when she dedicates her life to looking out for her foster brother Eren, staying by his side, whilst managing to remain her own interesting person. Shown to be growing more in independence from Eren as the series progresses. Is the last known person alive of Asian decent within the Walls of series. Wears a red scarf originally given to her by Eren; a staple of her character's appearance. Builds walls within herself to keep from breaking apart; similar to how in the external world Walls are built to keep dangerous beings out.

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Mikasa-Ackerman-mikasa-ackerman-34795291-1280-720.jpg (1280×720)

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