Tuesday 19 June 2018

Pride Month Reminder - Love is Love, and children absolutely need to know this

Fucking disgusting:


Love that is not cis and hetero is normal. It exists. It's love. Love does not discriminate.

Kids know that queer people exist. Queer children exist. Hiding them from these facts of life is dangerous, violent, shameful, and 100% useless and pointless.

It's 2018 - shut up, grow up, get a life, and realize that the world does not revolve around you and your views. Ignorance and bigotry should not be welcomed anywhere, much less in children's media. They are the future generation, remember.

As a needed reminder to everyone in these dark and terrible times: Happy Pride Month.

To all the young queer humans out there, you are loved. You are not alone. Never let fear, hatred and division win. You are a wonderful people. And you will continue to receive the representation you have always deserved.

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