Thursday 26 September 2013

Manga Review - 'Revolutionary Girl Utena, Vol 01: To Till' by Be-Papas, Chiho Saitō

2017 EDIT: This is one of my first reviews, and it's embarrassingly outdated. I'll only say that I have matured significantly since first writing it, and 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' is now one of my favourite anime. Goes to show how one's viewpoint in adulthood over childhood and adolescence changes for the better, doesn't it? For further thoughts on the RVU manga series, here is my oh-so well-thought-out review of the deluxe box set. Enjoy!

Years ago, after reading very positive reviews of this manga on Amazon, I bought it from there.

While I had trouble getting into the anime version of 'Revolutionary Girl Utena', in my opinion the manga flows more naturally and further focuses on a straightforward and heartfelt story structure. Not really heavily reliant on symbolism, it takes its time developing other necessary aspects. For instance, I know more about the protagonist Utena in reading the first manga volume than I did in viewing 27 episodes of the TV series. I now know what her life was like before she went to the academy: such as who took care of her after her parents died, and who her friends were and how much of an impact they had on her character. I could connect to her insecurities and thoughts easily; she is a feisty, passionate but confused human being.

Accompanied by wonderful artwork and clever and logical plot twists, 'RGU Vol. 01' is a lovely and fun action manga that packs girl power to a punch. Utena Tenjou is an awesome heroine. The story is her own, even when she is involved with other characters; like the Rose Bride Anthy, her unintended "fiancee". 

The other volumes I remember being okay, though I haven't read all of them since they are very expensive on all the shopping sites I look into.

Oh well, still a gripping first volume.

Final Score: 4/5

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