Sunday 15 November 2020

Netflix Update

My thoughts on what I watched on my Netflix binge this month:

Unicorn Store - Brilliant. I actually cried at the end - that never happens. Perfect for creative millennial types who want to be seen and understood properly. My second favourite Netflix movie; the first being Dumplin', which I also rewatched. 

The Half of It - Great diverse drama. How much do Asian-American lesbian teenagers, who are daughters of immigrants, get represented? Yeah, I thought so. See this film.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before - To me this falls into "It's a stupid, predictable and cliched teen rom-com full of contrived and annoying noncommunications and misunderstandings, and it having an Asian protagonist doesn't change that." But it's cute, and a good kind of escapism. I'm also noticing a trope in a lot of dramas and comedies starring female protagonists, that's not exclusive to Netflix: why do so many of them have dead mothers? It's not just Disney that's always been guilty of this trend that deprives a girl of proper support, guidance and maturity.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts - Oh look how far we've come in terms of animated shows "for kids". The diversity is fantastic, and enough to recommend it alone. Story wise, and beast/"mute" design wise, it is a bit overcrowded and exhausting; mostly in its final season but especially in its last several episodes, getting more and more tiring as it reaches the end. But Kipo is a special and important landmark in western animation, containing vital human messages for survival. And living. And coexisting.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Ugh. This series starts off so well. What promises to be, and delivers as, a genuine, atmospheric horror show, full of scares, thrills, and complex and compelling characters...descends into a run-of-the-mill genre fantasy show that arbitrarily fits into a serialised slot - and is yet another Buffy clone. The third season, as well as not being scary or interesting, contains far too many subplots and characters to keep track of, with too much going on at once; add in time travel to the last episode and the blatant plot holes that come with it, plus abandoned important worldbuilding elements, and abandoned/forgotten arcs and developments, and it ends in a complete mess. It's the truth, regardless of the reasons it had to be rushed. Everyone in Sabrina is an idiot, whatever their moral compass. The finale actually has a last-minute, out-of-nowhere queer kiss with no build-up whatsoever, as a desperate, last-ditch ratings grab, or whatever the Netflix equivalent of ratings is. Yes, this is still being practiced in 2020. And as is typical in sci-fi, fantasy and urban fantasy TV, NO ONE FUCKING DIES AND STAYS DEAD! SO WHY SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO ANYBODY? THERE ARE NO STAKES! NO TENSION! My other turnoff when it comes to TV: mystical pregnancy, or a demonic pregnancy, or any kind of mysterious or prophecy pregnancy; Sabrina, an otherwise woke and feminist show, implements this. I'm done. To anyone who has not seen this TV series about witches yet, stick with the first two seasons and save your sanity. I will not be watching the fourth and final season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina prior to its cancellation. I have no sympathy. At the rate its going, I see no way that they can competently recover from the convoluted and infuriating mess they've dug themselves into.

Carmen Sandiego - A fun, smart (for the most part) and intriguing cartoon. It really does respect its audience. I am interested in its continuation, whenever that shall come.

Hilda - A charming little fantasy cartoon; that it's British just adds to its appeal. To its enchantment, so to speak. It is quite quaint, clever and sweet. I'm looking forward to what comes next of Hilda.

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - A straight-on (heh) rewatch of the entire series, and it is even better on the second viewing. There is not a single episode, nor a single character, that I dislike (I even like season two now!). I broke a record and watched thirty-one episodes in one day! Colourful in a variety of ways, it really is my kind of show and progressive cartoon. Favourite episodes include (in chronological order): "Razz", "Promise", "Ties That Bind", "Roll With It", "White Out", "Huntara", "Once Upon a Time in the Waste". "The Coronation", "The Valley of the Lost", "Protocol", "Princess Scorpia", "Mer-Mysteries", "Boys' Night Out", "Hero", "Corridors", "Stranded", "Save the Cat", "Perils of Peekablue", and of course, "The Heart (parts 1 and 2)". Yeah, many episodes are great. You can't beat that finale.

I have so much free time now that I'm on my second nationwide lockdown. Basically, I'll give anything with a female protagonist a go. Females are so awesome and diverse; so full of potential. These types of films and series' are not to be dismissed, ignored and glossed over 💓💗💜💟😻🥰💕💞🌈🌹

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