Wednesday 25 November 2020

Graphic Novel Review - 'Adventure Time: Thunder Road (Adventure Time: Original Graphic Novel #12)' by Jeremy Sorese (Writer), Zachary Sterling (Artist), Various

2022 EDIT: From my 'Adventure Time: Marceline Gone Adrift' review:

Well I've watched the entirety of the 'Adventure Time' cartoon. It's great. It's revolutionary. But for some reason my interest in the comics has waned, much like how I'm no longer as much interested in quite a few other comic series, book series, and single books in my bookshelf clear-out. It seems I've just forgotten about them, or have become indifferent to them, and I have no overwhelming passion and desire to reread them. I've always been particularly picky and fussy with what I read and own, anyhow. Making more room, less clutter. And maybe 'Adventure Time' works best for a medium like TV.

Farewell, 'Adventure Time' comics.

Still adore Marceline.

Original Review:

My final 'Adventure Time' comic, that's sadly my least favourite, but it's still good.

Basically, 'Adventure Time: Thunder Road' is about the Candy Kingdom flooding due to a massive, neverending storm, and Princess Bubblegum challenging the sky giants - a biker gang - who are causing it, to a race. Marceline is there to save as many people in the kingdom as possible, and she wants to help Bubblegum in any way, but the princess is stubborn and wants to fix her problems, and save her kingdom, on her own. Marceline will get involved nevertheless, and thus tensions rise between the two women, aggressively and unpleasantly.

The fate of the Candy Kingdom is not the only thing at stake; there's Bubblegum and Marceline's friendship, too.

I guess I'm not used to seeing the pair in this heated an argument. Theirs is a complex relationship, and due to their differences they do have disagreements, but not to this extent, I feel. I've never seen Bubblegum so angry - it's practically her default mode in this comic!

There are high stakes, and there is overwhelming stress on both sides, however. Nobody is perfect. And at least they make up and apologise to each other at the end, in a scene that is the right length and really showcases their bond and how much they care for one another. They now have matching biker jackets that say "We Talked It Out" on the back!

All is well then. The meanspiritedness is banished!

I love Marceline's outfits in this, too. Bubblegum's biker gear (and pink bike) and casual wear are also cool. The princess and scientist builds and owns a lot of vehicles.

'Thunder Road' - I wish I could have ended my 'Adventure Time' reading on a more positive story (it isn't very funny either, shockingly), but the ending makes up for it. One more gripe: the cover is a big fat lie (as is the blurb); Marceline doesn't have her guitar/axe in the comic, and she doesn't battle any monsters, and she is never in those clothes - no red boots, no red button shirt, and no red trucker hat.

That's all from me for now, everyone. Take great care. Stay safe.

Final Score: 3.5/5

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