Sunday 15 September 2019

Scribble #96

When people say, "I don't approve of queer people/gay people/gay people going out in public like that/gay people kissing/gay people holding hands in public," and such, they might as well say, "I don't approve of breathing." LBGTQA people exist - they have always existed, and they will continue to exist. It's who they are. That is a fact of life. What does it matter if you approve of them or not, and what they do? That's nobody's business but theirs. It's extremely harmful, dangerous and pointless for the queer community to be made to hide who they are, just because of narrow minded, stubborn, childish and cowardly bigots. Why should they have to hide just because their very existence makes certain, undeserved and reality-deficient people uncomfortable? No, religion is no excuse, and it should never used as an excuse. Because, and I know this will come as an earth-shattering shock to so many bigots (conservatives, hate groups, and other groups, religious or not): The world does not revolve around you and your little, limited social bubble. Other people are not playthings that you can just wish away whenever you want. And bubbles always burst. Ignorant and bigoted things said like the above examples dehumanizes and oppresses already-marginalized and struggling everyday people. Think before you speak.

The marginalized are far braver, far more resilient and adaptable, than the bigoted, overprivileged populace put together. They have put up with so much more than the privileged could possibly imagine. Marginalized communities - women, minorities, ethnic groups, immigrants, queer, trans, Muslim, Jewish, disabled, etc - will never give up, will never die out, will never stand for injustice, hatred, fear, oppression, and inhumane actions and laws, no matter what anyone says or does; and there is nothing they can say or do about it. Hasn't history taught us anything?

Plus, remember: The rich and powerful are often as plastic, worn out and full of old holes and hot stuffy air as their wallets, and are just as trustworthy.

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