Saturday 28 September 2019

Book Review - 'Molly's Family' by Nancy Garden (Writer), Sharon Wooding (Illustrator)

2023 EDIT: Part of my 2023 clear-up, of books I no longer like, or am no longer interested in, or remember well as standing out, or find as special anymore, or I otherwise will not miss.

Final Score: 3.5/5

Original Review:

An LBGTQ children's picture book right off the coattails of 'Heather Has Two Mummies', from the author of 'Annie on My Mind'. 'Molly's Family' is very similar to 'Heather', and we spend more time in the kindergarten classroom with the other kids than with Molly's family itself, but the important messages about all families being different and family meaning loving one another are there.

This one explains how the femme same-sex parents came to have little Molly, as well, and why she means so much to them, and vice versa.

It also explores bullying, peer pressure and anxiety among growing, socializing toddlers. "You're different to me, and I don't like that, so I'm going to make your life harder" is hardly a way to live as an adult, much less as a child.

One hilarious review of 'Molly's Family' that I found on Amazon said that it indoctrinates children and should be banned (again). Indoctrinates them into what? Being better, kinder, more loving, tolerant and open minded people? unlike you? Do you even know what that word means? I should note that the review was only two short lines long - it was really only a flimsy complaint note.

'Molly's Family' is nice and adorable, containing a vital, timeless message. Like the teacher and the parents in it, it sets a good example to children, who are our future, after all.

Final Score: 3.5/5

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