Saturday 14 September 2019

Book Review - 'Sophie's Masterpiece: A Spider's Tale' by Eileen Spinelli (Writer), Jane Dyer (Illustrator)

This is sadder than 'Charlotte's Web'.

I like spiders, and a picture book about a creative female spider sounded really attractive to me. What I did not expect was a punch to the feels by the end of this gorgeously-woven tale.

The language, the writing style, the illustrations, the colour, it is all lovely. The silk, the moonlight, the starlight, the spinning, the webbing, the knitting, the pines, the snowflakes, the warmth, and wow, the heart. It really is a new fairy tale.

The ending might just break you, however. But in a beautiful way.

The creative life of a spider is as full of hardships and dangers as a human artist's, and can be just as unrewarding. But Sophie is strong, and thoughtful. She has drive, she has love, and she never gives up. Such a determined little spider...

Indeed, 'Sophie's Masterpiece: A Spider's Tale' is a masterpiece.

Final Score: 5/5

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