Tuesday 5 February 2019

Graphic Novel Review - 'Captain Marvel: Earth's Mightiest Hero Vol. 1' by Kelly Sue DeConnick (Writer), Christopher Sebela (Text), Dexter Soy (Artist), Emma Ríos (Artist), Felipe Amdrade (Artist)

'In Pursuit of Flight' and 'Down' together in one bright and colourful volume (seriously, that cover is Popsicle fresh and adorable, if misleading in its sunniness).

An enjoyable set of adventures with Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, in all her flights, fights and struggles, as both a powerful superheroine merged with alien DNA, and someone who is still human and relatable. She pilots a lot of things, she travels back in time, she practically fights a Transformer, plus dinosaurs with Spider-Woman, and bird people. 

'Captain Marvel: Earth's Mightiest Hero Vol. 1' is an appetizer for me before 'The Life of Captain Marvel' is published, and before the movie. I can't wait! I still prefer Carol from 'Higher, Further, Faster, More' onwards in Kelly Sue DeConnick's run, due there being more optimism, humour and high-octane variety, but this is fun superheroine stuff. 

My main issue is with the very mixed, sporadically ugly artwork. The eye-catching trade paperback cover does not suit the content. I'm not sure who Frank Gianelli is either, and why he's being set up as Carol's love interest (and boss?), but he is hot, so I'll turn off my brain and let hormones take their stride for that one.

Thank the Kree stars that there are also so many badass, diverse women in this series, other than Carol. There's hardly a dud among them. This is feminism to the max!

'Earth's Mightiest Hero' - a fine present for Captain Marvel fans.

Final Score: 4/5

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