Sunday 11 March 2018

Scribble #73

People with long hair: have you ever soaked in a bath, face up to the surface, and just let your hair flow in the water around your head? You lift strands of it up, and it's all silky and smells floral. What sounds do you hear underwater? Only your face is the only part of your body that breaks the water, and the water is warm, your hair is in all directions, wrapping around you, comforting you. It feels like love. You breathe in the air above the water. It makes you appreciate your body and all its natural functions; almost miraculous what every atom, every minute cell, does for you. It makes you feel glad for so many things.

For some reason women with long hair have always reminded me of mermaids. And witches, and other mythical and real feminine figures of style, grace, and natural power. Power in fantasy, and the fantastical. Power in growing hair.

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