Monday 8 February 2016

Scribble #8

Memories can be sweet, and sad.
Music can be pretty, and sad.
Travelling can be exciting, prosperous, and sad.
Family life can be fulfilling, and sad.
Truth can be worthy, beautiful, and free, but sad.
All things have their share of sadness inherent in them. Especially since nothing can last forever.
Forever - the saddest, most deceptive word in our language, created under false pretences.
But in making what we can out of life, by fulfilling it by our own honest means, then the sadness lessens, and can even become a blessing sometimes, when forever ends.

Kids can handle all sorts of things. They can - and learn to - deal with the inevitable facts of life that are hard and scary to face, like death and betrayal. They are born with tougher skins and more sense than we give them perchance to demonstrate. I know, for I was one of them.

I'm sure that when I end up stabbing myself with my pens, it is a subconscious punishment to myself.

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