Saturday 7 April 2018

UPDATE ON CINEMA EXPERIENCE: A girl in front of me at the 'A Wrinkle in Time' screening actually jumped when the Disney logo sequence played at the beginning, as if she either forgot that this is indeed a Disney movie, or she somehow never knew that fact before watching it.

Also PSA: When the film is playing in the theater, please turn off your phone. The light from your phone alone is distracting to the person next to you. You chose to pay to watch the film, so just watch it; plenty of time for texting later. You may not be invested in the film you chose to pay to watch, but that doesn't mean no one else is. You are ruining other cinema goers' enjoyment; their cinema experience. During 'A Wrinkle in Time' I was restraining myself from telling the girl next to me to put away her phone - the light of which could be seen from space - already. It's enough to almost make me stop going to the theater altogether.

Wow it took a lot from me to not swear up a storm in typing all that.

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