Friday 6 April 2018

Guys, this is happening, This is reality.

Just when I thought I couldn't hate the Trumps even more.

Appalling doesn't even cover it. I am so, so angry right now, I feel physically sick. This is what happens when misogyny runs rampant - that anyone could think that they could get away with pulling stunts like this and not face repercussions. Suggesting that every single woman who has had an abortion (which numbers thousands, if not millions) should be punished in any way - including the death penalty - is vile, amoral, disgusting and sadistic. Lacking empathy- lacking human decency - is dangerous - more so when you are a public figure. Giving a platform for bigots is dangerous.

Pro-lifers are not pro-life; do not make that mistake. They are anti-woman, plain and simple. They are terrifying because they are dangerous; like all "innocent" or "well-intentioned" bigots, they enable violent bigotry, and they don't realize it. They don't listen, or they just don't care. Ignorance in issues that are not their problem is bliss.

To anyone who is against abortion and think it's murder; to anyone who thinks all women everywhere should just suck it up and marry and get pregnant and have lots of babies and thus raise the worldwide overpopulation level (plus financial and economic crises) and stay in the kitchen and let men control what they should do with their own bodies and let men claim they know more about women's health than the women themselves... just shut the fuck up and leave us alone, please. You don't know us. You don't know what our individual circumstances are. It is none of your business what we do with our bodies, and we are capable of making our own choices. We have brains. We have done nothing to you personally; you just hate strong-willed, independent women.

Motherhood isn't everything. Not all women want to be mothers, it's just the way it is. Indeed motherhood isn't always a healthy (be it physical, emotional, mental, medical and/or background) option.

"Pro-lifers", pull your heads out of the 1950s mindset for once and think about what you are doing to women. You are killing them. And you call yourselves pro-life.

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