Saturday 27 August 2016

Top 10 Favourite Witches

A quickie list. This time counting down my favourite witch characters in fiction (for witches are real, just... not likely as powerful as these ladies). As a fantasy lover, I'm also very fond of powerful women who are magic users. Maybe they are good witches who are also strong characters in their own right, or maybe they're mediocre witches but are very relatable and likable all the same. Here are the 10 fictional witches I resonate with the most.

10. Hannah ('Rat Queens')

A comic book fantasy elfin character, Hannah is vulgar in so many ways, and I just adore her for it. She does not give an actual fuck what others think of her, and she stands by her fellow Rat Queens no matter what. Beautiful, sexy, sexually-liberated, mean, and a dangerous influence, Hannah the mage breathes hot and cold.

9. Snow aka Ermillina Curtana ('Princess' series by Jim C. Hines)

Snow White is not only a powerful witch who specializes in mirror magic in this series. She's buxom, flirty, always says what's on her mind, and is sexual and proud and in control of it. Also she's a bookworm! A cast-out princess, borne from an abusive mother, she keeps a joyous outlook on life. Snow's ability as a witch is constantly put to the test - and her questionable actions resulting in her use of magic are played seriously. Is she too powerful for her own good? Is she abusing her powers as much as her evil mother did? Snow is aware that her spellcasting could potentially be far from good despite her intentions - she makes no excuses for it, and knows she must try to get stronger psychologically. She works very hard at what she does, and will bravely sacrifice anything for her princess friends, without whom she is as lonely as a single insignificant snowflake. Snow White's complicated relationship with magic is put through a tragic ordeal in the book series' final instalment. Great personality and witch, Snow is as three-dimensional as the other princesses.

8. Tara Maclay ('Buffy the Vampire Slayer')

I don't think that many people appreciate just how good a character Tara is. Outside of being a lesbian - which is important for representation - her sexuality and relationship with Willow are not the only things to say about her. I'd even go so far as to say that she is probably the best friend Buffy ever had. The characters in Buffy's group of friends and family tend to not be exactly supportive of the poor Slayer, to the point of taking her for granted and being emotionally abusive towards her should she not do anything they want her to do, not realising she's still a human being who has saved the world hundreds of times (looking at you, 'Dead Man's Party' - worst episode of 'Buffy', ever). But Tara is different. She is a genuinely nice person; having come from an abusive family herself, she understands the importance of empathy (her ESP power is only mentioned once in the entire series, however, in the number of times it could have come in handy). She's caring and supportive towards Buffy - and I'm not only talking about what happens in 'The Body'. In season 6, Buffy confesses to Tara - and nobody else - that she's sleeping with Spike; something she's so ashamed of and confused about, she cries. Tara doesn't judge her, she doesn't jump to conclusions, and she doesn't rub anything in Buffy's face in a passive-aggressive manner after she knows about Spike. She listens, she lets Buffy - who had very recently come back from the dead - know she has her back, and tries to help out. Tara even defends her friend when Spike makes a pass at her. Tara is the truest friend the Slayer could hope for. She doesn't take any of Willow's crap either, when Willow becomes an abusive partner. It's devastating what happens to Tara at the end of the season. She is a treasure, who's been through so much abuse in her life, and might just possess the most common sense out of all the other characters in 'Buffy'. As a witch she is sadly sidelined, and doesn't demonstrate a lot of magical spellcasting, since the show focuses primarily on her girlfriend Willow's rise to power. But as a person, I adore her. She was too good for the cruel world of 'Buffy'.

7. The Wicked Witch of the West ('The Wizard of Oz')

A scary figure in many a childhood. The Witch of the West isn't a very deep character - she's evil for evil's sake, and barely gets any development even when her sister is killed (which is only mentioned once). But her appearance, performance and cackling laugh have lasted in our children's nightmares throughout the ages. The nameless Wicked Witch has flying monkeys, sleeping poppies and fireballs at her command. She's cunning, cruel and entertaining to watch. Cartoony yet a wicked delight in showing off how evil she is.

6. Raven ('Teen Titans')

The Gothic, half-demon psychic superheroine whose emotions are very dangerous indeed, so she keeps them under control and isolates herself, trusting no one. Well, not completely. She expresses herself now and then, despite herself, thanks to her friendship with the Teen Titans. Raven is a dark, powerful witch - the daughter of the show's version of the Devil, Trigon - who can also be adorable in her social skills, or lack thereof. The many sides to her character add wonders to her development over the"silly" cartoon's five seasons. Blunt, mean, shy, and very smart as well, Raven excels as a complex hero, whatever her age.

5. Maleficent ('Sleeping Beauty')

Disney's greatest villain definitely deserves a spot on here. Maleficent is so magnificently evil you can't help but love her. She's suave, sophisticated, devilishly-designed, possesses a dark sense of humour, and she's animated so spectacularly. Her subtly-changing facial expressions give me chills. Maleficent's popularity, and those who almost worship the dark fairy, says something about her impact as a film villain; considering her entire motivation for wanting to kill the titular Sleeping Beauty is because she wasn't invited to a royal baby shower. She even turns into a dragon for the final battle! I don't include her portrayal in her own feature film, 'Maleficent', as that is a poorly-written mess which had the gall to try to turn the Mistress of all evil into a good guy (I mean, her name means "evil" for crying out loud!) And why oh why did they literally exchange her dragon-changing power to her male henchman! Although Angelina Jolie lives and breathes her role as the classic character. With Maleficent, evil never looked so good.

4. Kiki ('Kiki's Delivery Service')

One of my favourite Studio Ghibli films - a simple, sweet little story about a thirteen-year-old witch named Kiki, who leaves her home to settle into a new one. She starts her new life in a seaside town, and finds out her skills and place in life from there. Kiki is a brilliant character all around - Miyazaki-san writes the best women and young girls. While the only thing in the film to mark her as a witch is her flying her broom, it is a great skill she gains and loses over the course of the film, depending on her mood. Not at all like a typical shoujo main lead, Kiki is just so realistic as a growing girl, witch heritage notwithstanding. She tries hard at everything, and no task is too big for her, though she has limits. I can relate to her love for purple, too. Kiki - a standout heroine.

3. Elsa ('Frozen')

She's more of an ice and snow sorceress, and she doesn't cast any intentional spells in the traditional sense, but I still count Elsa as a witch. One who learns not to be ashamed of her gifts, and love herself, as there are people who love her for who she is. Everyone around her learns not to fear her, and it makes seeing her embrace her powers fully at the end of the movie more rewarding. I mean, look at the palace she built by herself in a matter of seconds! Elsa - a moving character; as clear, cool and deep as an ice pond.

2. Hermione Granger ('Harry Potter' series)

'Nuff said.

1. Elphaba ('Wicked' musical)

My favourite female character of all time is also my favourite witch of all time. No I don't count her as being the same character as she's presented in 'The Wizard of Oz'. Go check out my favourite female characters list for an explanation on why I love this magnificent woman.

Hope you like the list!

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