Wednesday 17 August 2016

Non-Fiction Book Review - 'The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within' by Stephen Fry

2023 EDIT: Part of my 2023 clear-up, of books I no longer like, or am no longer interested in, or remember well as standing out, or find as special anymore, or I otherwise will not miss.

Final Score: 3/5

Original Review:

I admit I never really cared for poetry. I still don't. But Stephen Fry is one of the greatest TV personalities out there (to those who've never heard of him, he has a HUGE amount of credits to his name in British television, and in America. Go look them up, you might be surprised). Anything by him, I was bound to enjoy. 'The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within' is his book on writing poetry - his revered hobby - and it is wonderfully engaging as well as educational, and humorous.

It was nice to read it years ago in university with Mr Fry's voice in my mind. His dry yet affable British wit shines through in his teachings about how poetry works, and in the examples he uses for demonstrations, both positive and negative. His personal touches are also effective in reminding the reader that the book was written by a real human being and not by some distant, disinterested English teacher tasked to go through a textbook. Stephen Fry truly is one of the most talented celebrities out there.

A humble and remarkably well-written book, to be read whether you like poems or not.

Final Score: 4/5

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