Saturday 9 April 2016

Scribble #27

There was a schoolboy on the bus today, and while all the other children from school made a ruckus and gossipped, he sat quietly and read a book! He was very tall too, and didn't talk to anyone. He was just like me when I was at school. It's a shame I didn't meet another like him - a boy at that - back then.

I had a dark and cloudy dream, when last night there was supposed to be an eclipse. I think I was a young WWII evacuee, in a green field and a big house. I think I was also a video game character being controlled by my brother. There were time limits and I kept getting killed in battle. In the game  I had an evacuee younger brother and sister. Inexplicably on a game level my brother was a snake and he kept biting me as I explored the big old house, searching for my little sister. I caused the time limit to move backward to seconds to spare, yet I kept going. A male in school uniform followed me around as well, telling me confusing things - about my life? My alarm went off before he could tell me more

I dream I'm walking. And being directed, and walking. Someone is speaking to me off screen. I'm walking towards someplace I know, and there's a voice over narration. And another that's angrier and full of vitriol, as if I'm a controllable character in an online video game. I'm being led astray by different gods towards different directions.

It's so beautiful out today. The sun is free from its cloudy fortress for the time being. Cosmic alliances, planetary rotation, the silver moon and golden sun, and just plain crappy British weather make the day shine bronze or blur and fog-up coldly. Wind is the force that physically decides what your day on earth will be like.

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