Friday 28 July 2023

Book Review - 'That Flag' by Tameka Fryer Brown (Writer), Nikkolas Smith (Illustrator)

A very important book for our times.

'That Flag' - think 'The Hate U Give' as a picture book for younger readers, though everyone should read it. A vital, pointed message and history lesson about that hate flag. That violence, oppression, and division flag. That flag of white supremacists, nationalists and insurrectionists.

That, and a coming-of-age story about the friendship between two young girls, Keira and Bianca, in America. It's also about Keira and her family, living in America.

It's a personal story. And a universal one.

After reading the sad, harrowing yet hopeful book, read the notes at the end, as well. Read all that is written here - the history, the facts, the Authors Note, and the Illustrator's Note.


'[...] the Confederate flag cannot magically be separated from its racist origins nor from its continued association with white supremacy. It is only by acknowledging the entire truth of our history--including the unflattering parts-- that we will finally be able to overcome the racism embedded in our society. We must never be afraid to ask questions and seek out truth, for it is the truth that will set us all free.'

Excerpts from the Author's Note:

'I want to help readers understand why it is not merely a symbol of "Southern heritage", but an emblem that makes many people feel anger and fear--and for good reason. I believe in telling kids the truth, even about things that are sad or a little bit scary.'

'If human beings can learn to be racist, we can also learn not to be. In fact, your generation could grow up to be the fairest, most inclusive generation out nation has ever seen...especially if we adults do our part and tell you more truths about more things.

I wrote
 That Flag to do my part to make humanity better, because I believe in your power to change the world.'

Excerpt from the Illustrator's Note:

'To all of you youngsters out there who stand up and speak out for human rights and justice for all, thank you for leading the way to a brighter future. Never let anyone silence your voice.'

Final Score: 5/5

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