Saturday 4 June 2022

Happy Pride Month 2022

Happy Pride Month.

Happy Pride Year.

Happy Pride forever, indefinitely.

Violations of trans rights are violations of human rights - that is just fact.

Trans rights are human rights.

LBGTQA rights are human rights.

Women's rights are human rights.


Don't let lethally regressive "politics" win. Don't let hatred, bigotry, irrational fear, fearmongering, wilful ignorance, lack of access and freedom, silence, erasure, and genocide win. It is all connected. It is all calculated and deliberate.

Don't give fascism power and control.

Don't let hate win.

Let us all love. Let us just love.

Let's just let others - and ourselves - be happy, and be free.

Let us all live.

Your body, your self, your choice. Your right.

To this generation, and every generation after:

You are loved.

You are not alone.

We will keep fighting. We will never stop. For the right to live, to love, to feel joy, to just exist.

No one shall ever be erased. No one.


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