Wednesday 8 April 2020

Non-Fiction Book Review - 'Know My Name' by Chanel Miller

Read it. Now. If you haven't already.

You need to know that this is in your life. That this book exists for a reason. That yes, this affects you, too. It affects all of us. We are all victims of a broken system. We are all victims of the nigh-indestructible global monster that is the patriarchy and rape culture.

Read the other reviews as well, which have managed to put into words the feelings and thoughts - the truth, the facts - which need to be expressed, acknowledged, and listened to. They manage to write down everything which needs to be said far better and more adequately than I am qualified to do so.

We all need this book.

For ultimately, Chanel Miller - and millions of other victims around the world - tell us this fact:

You are not alone. You never were.

You did absolutely nothing wrong.

Never give up.

We can fight this. We will keep on fighting. And hoping. For as many years - as many lifetimes - as it takes.

For a life. For change.

That is all.

This is my voice. My input. For now.

Chanel Miller, you have made a friend in me, even though I have neither met nor talked to you. Just as you say you are here for us, we are here for you. Always.

Final Score: 5/5

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