Sunday 5 April 2020

Graphic Novel Review - 'The Fire Never Goes Out: A Memoir in Pictures' by N.D. Stevenson

2023 REEDIT: Part of my 2023 clear-up, of books I no longer like, or am no longer interested in, or remember well as standing out, or find as special anymore, or I otherwise will not miss.

Final Score: 3.5/5

2023 EDIT: This was written before N.D. Stevenson's coming out.

Original Review:

Thank you so much, Noelle Stevenson, for your honesty.

For your bravery.

For your creativity.

For your drive.

For your love.

For your warmth.

For your fire.

In difficult times, it is important to remember that we are not alone. We are never alone.

'The Fire Never Goes Out' has helped me come to terms with my own sadness, loneliness, stress, fear, and other issues. I saw some of my own feelings, and my own experiences, reflected back at me in its raw and varied pages. I'm still on the verge of crying. It's a comic memoir, that also contains published blog posts, chronicling Noelle Stevenson's years of activity, dated from 2011. More people need to know about this grail diary of hurt and hope, and read through it; though it, plus Noelle's life, have no ending.

I think that, on some level, everyone is lost. More of us are "broken", if even a little, than we've been led to believe. Nobody really knows what they are doing or what they want out of life.

But in finding one another - in seeking help and support - we can slowly heal, and get through anything. We may lose parts of ourselves along the way, but we gain so much in progress, in moving forward.

'The Fire Never Goes Out: A Memoir in Pictures' - Heavy, heartbreaking, honest, bittersweet, funny, beautiful. A memoir that is a surprise comfort, and a true inspiration concerning hopes, dreams, growing up, change, knowing your own feelings, being your whole and unflinching self, and not being afraid of that self, for your own health and safety.

Noelle Stevenson:

An additional thanks for 'Nimona' and 'She-Ra and the Princesses of Power'; as well as your other wonderful creations, which now includes this.

Final Score: 5/5

Hi, everyone.

How are you doing? How are you coping at the moment? I hope you have found a safe and productive outlet that's good for you for these days. Me? I'll just keep rereading old books, reading new books, writing, and watching YouTube vids; with the occasional walk in the garden and around the block, careful to keep my distance from other pedestrians.

I'm wondering how people who are dealing with loneliness, depression and other illnesses are faring right now. People's highly anticipated plans, resolutions, trips, courses, and dreams have had to be put on hold this year. To be immobile, to not know, to live in anxiety both within yourself and within your own walls, like being trapped for you don't know how long, it can be daunting, even for introverts and antisocials. It is very easy - too easy - to resort to anger, to let fear win, and to worry about the future.

It isn't fair, I know. Life, reality - it's never been fair. It's heartbreaking, painful.

You want to let it all out somehow.

In a world full of fear, panic, and uncertainty - this time unprecedented and which nearly all of us have never experienced something so surreal, alien, and terrifying - keep reminding yourself that, even in self-isolation, you are not alone. Think of yourself and others in equal measure. We are in this together, all of us, every single one. Nothing sets us apart - nothing can or should. As my late Nana used to say, "Keep your chin up." Keep looking up to the sun. Tomorrow is always another day.

We will get through this. We will be okay.

Take care and keep safe, you brave, lovely people.

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