Thursday 22 November 2018

From this moment forth, I have decided that I no longer have any favourite reviewers, critics, entertainers, etc - on TV or online or otherwise. We live in a world full of different, contrary opinions, so at war with each other, its escalation is ludicrous and sometimes dangerous. As I fully mature into adulthood, and distance myself from social media and toxic political talk, I have learned to trust in only one opinion - my own. Really, time away from the internet - from any social/online networks - is a stress reliever.

And that's not just the introvert in me talking.

I can respect others' opinions, or just ignore (i.e. blacklist) them if I seriously disagree with them, because I know that no matter what I say they will not change their minds. And in a way that's a good thing; let us all think for ourselves. Calm down. Step back and breathe in peace and quiet with your own thoughts once in a while. No one person views the same things identically. That is what makes humans so amazing.

I will like what I like and not let others tell me I'm wrong to like them, and I'll dislike what I dislike. I won't care so much about what others think, and I'll try not to feel personally attacked by them. On the flip side of the coin, I won't hold as paragons people whose worldview and intellect I generally agree with and am in tune with.

The only person on the planet that I 100% agree with on everything is myself.

There are issues, topics, subjects, etc to be passionate about and care for, but remember to live too.

Don't care about what others think - live your own life! Do what YOU think is best.

I will not be recommending critics anymore. Ignore critic recommendations entirely.

Trust in yourself. Your opinion, your mind, matters.

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