Friday 3 November 2017

Book Review - 'Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Library: A Collection of Literary Quotes and Inspirational Musings' by Walt Disney Company, Linda Woolverton

Leave it to Disney to make any bookworm feel woefully inadequate - like a fraud who doesn't read enough classics. Read and then praise, as Mark Twain would say.

I love 'Belle's Library' - I love 'Beauty and the Beast', Belle, and books, so a combination of all of these is genius. Let's delve into some tidy little scraps of Belle's bibliophile brain! It is as delightful as any pearl or adventure.

Linda Woolverton is far from my favourite movie screenwriter (she's responsible for just a few of Disney's recent live-action cash-cow tripe based on their classic animated films, like 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Maleficent'), but her older work at Disney ('Beauty and the Beast', 'The Lion King') was part of my childhood, and her association with Belle and how she thinks - in their shared love of reading - is inspired.

'Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Library: A Collection of Literary Quotes and Inspirational Musings' is as good and pure as it sounds. A nice little grail for fans of both Disney and literature. It is absolutely adorable as well as educational. Important life lessons can be found deep in the treasures of certain classical reads. Live life to the full; seek adventure wherever; be kind and generous; wealth and beauty only matter on the inside - through actions which benefit others; and seek freedom, where there lies true happiness. 

As well as getting me to read more Shakespeare, this book of quotes made me love Belle even more than I already did. Now there is a cartoon character that anyone can and should be like.

A beauty of a Disney product.

Final Score: 4/5

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