Friday 30 June 2017

LGBT Pride Month - A little of what we can learn

Nothing surprises me anymore. More and more news of people behaving as the worst human beings imaginable to each other, and we are meant to just accept it, that this is normal. That humans are naturally divisive and hate-filled cavemen incapable of listening and reason; that any attempt to educate and better ourselves is useless because we are all merely animals attuned only to our most base instincts, so violence, ignorance, bullying and intimidation are inevitable; that crimes such as murder and attempted murder on both a small and massive scale are the norm now. Especially if the perpetrator is white and male. The most powerful, influential people on earth do morally-reprehensible, nonsensical things simply because they can; politics is supposed to be serious business, not a children's game of us-vs-them, of with-us-or-against-us, black-and-white mentality. It's the 21st bloody century, and people have become so scared of so-called PC culture that the world/mainstream society and culture has switched to reverse and tried to destroy all decades-long, hard-earned human progress. This world - of the lonely, the power-hungry. of entitlement and unchecked privilege - has become a parody of itself, and it's not because it has gone insane - it just stopped giving a shit. Please, please don't let this be the generation that stopped giving a shit. People's lives are at stake here.

With all that said, Happy LGBT Pride Month, as it comes to an end this year. May the next one shine more hope. Although one month of celebrating, respecting, and "caring" about a violently-marginalized community's existence for one month isn't enough when it's a continuous struggle, all year round.

Here's to hope. Have a nice weekend, everyone :)

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