Sunday 4 June 2017

Book Review - 'The Ballad of Mulan' by Song Nan Zhang

A short poem of the ages; a beautiful minute of your time.

I love 'Mulan', the animated Disney adaptation, and it's a treat to read the ancient ballad - roughly translated in English - about the legend of the woman who traveled and fought for China disguised as a man to save her father and brother. And her country. 

If Mulan, or another woman like her with a different name, did exist, then women have always been awesome. If she didn't, then women were always recognized to be awesome.

The final verse:

"The he-hare's feet go hop and skip,
The she-hare's eyes are muddled and fuddled.
Two hares running side by side close to the ground,
How can they tell if I am he or she?"

Or another translation:

" They say the male rabbit likes to hop and leap, 
while the female rabbit prefers to sit still. 
But in times of danger, when the two rabbits scurry by, 
who can tell male from female?" 

'The Ballad of Mulan' - A simple, wonderful little journey expounding years of war. 

Mulan - The warrior woman of hope for China.

Final Score: 4/5

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