Wednesday 13 November 2013

Non-Fiction Book Review - 'The Best Of Women's Quotations' by Helen Exley (Editor)

Best Quotes:

"My will shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny." - Elaine Maxwell

"Women have always been the guardians of wisdom and humanity which makes them natural, but secret, rulers. The time has come for them to rule openly, but together with and not against men." - Charlotte Wolff

"Women are expected to do twice as much as men in half the time and for no credit. Fortunately this isn't difficult." - Charlotte Whitton

"Rape is... nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear." - Susan Brownmiller

"Women as a class have never subjugated another group; we have never marched off to wars of conquest in the name of the fatherland. We have never been involved in a decision to annex the territory of a neighboring country, or to fight for foreign markets on distant shores. These are the games men play, not us. We want to be neither oppressors nor oppressed. The women's revolution is the final revolution of them all." - Susan Brownmiller

"Mother as an ideal is unfair in the same manner as a women as a sex object." - Liz Smith, from 'The Mother Book'

"The sentimental cult of domestic virtues is the cheapest method at a society's disposal of keeping women quiet without seriously considering their grievances or improving their position." - Alva Myrdal and Viola Klein, from 'Women's Two Roles'

"A woman has to be twice as good as a man to go half as far." - Fannie Hurst

"I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman." - Virginia Woolf

"When a man gets up to speak, people listen then look. When a woman gets up, people look; then, if they like what they see, they listen." - Pauline Frederick

"The dogma of woman's complete historical subjection to man must be rated as one of the most fantastic myths ever created by the human mind." - Mary Ritter Beard

"When we take away the right to an individual name, we symbolically take away the right to be an individual. Immigration officials did this to refugees, husbands routinely do it to wives." - Erica Jong

"Dear Sirs, man to man, manpower, craftsman, working men, the thinking man, the man in the street, fellow countrymen, the history of mankind, one-man show, man in his wisdom, statesman, forefathers, masterful, masterpiece, old masters, the brotherhood of man, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, sons of free men, faith of our fathers, god the father, god the son, yours fraternally, amen. Words fail me." - Stephanie Dowrick

"In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on woman." - Nancy Astor

"Above all, remember that the most important thing you can take anywhere is not a Gucci bag or French-cut jeans; it's an open mind." - Gail Rubin Bereny

"You have to admit that most women who have done something with their lives have been disliked by almost everyone." - Francoise Gilot

"If you play it safe in life you've decided that you don't want to grow any more." - Shirley Hufstedler

"Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." - Mary Pickford

"A liberated woman is one who feels confident in herself, and is happy in what she is doing. She is a person who has a sense of self... It all comes down to freedom of choice." - Betty Ford

Plus any quote from 'Jane Eyre'.

There are some other quotations that are, in my opinion, a bit questionable and dated. But this gift from my mum is a must for any feminist - for any human being - to read in order to get back that faith in humankind. Humankind which is lost in the increasing sexism in 21st century society and media. Faith in equal rights can be found again by reading these 19th century quotes.

Final Score: 4/5

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