Friday 3 May 2024

Scribble #128

Beggars can't be choosers.

Bigots can choose. Not to be bigots, that is. The marginalised people they are prejudiced against, are unreasonably, persistently, stubbornly hostile towards, have no choice.

No one's identity - no one's humanity - is a political agenda. No one's existence is up for debate.

Fascists have a choice. They can choose not to hate. They can choose to think before they speak. They can also choose to get help for their serious issues, their closemindedness and self-hatred. They can choose to educate themselves. Better themselves. For everyone's sake. (How any kind of fascism, any kind of bigotry, is still acceptable nowadays, it is baffling. It is to do with fear; fearmongering and hateful propaganda, I am sure, as it always has been. History keeps repeating itself. Society keeps cannibalising itself, wallowing in its violence, its toxicity, over and over again. It is frustrating and exhausting. Will we ever learn? Will we ever get better?)

I think we could all potentially be much happier - much calmer, more collected, more contented, and much healthier in mind and heart - if we read books. More books. (By which I mean books not written by politicians, or radio personalities, or privileged, entitled, out-of-touch white male TV personalities over fifty.)

Sympathy, empathy, kindness, caring, sharing, and love - and ending capitalism - are key to saving humanity.

Doesn't anybody read anymore?

Always expand your horizons. Listen to people who are different from you. Differences should be embraced. All are equal. Life should not be made up of predators and prey; of "superiors" and "inferiors". There are always new things to learn. New things to discover. There are no limitations to the human experience. To human life. Isn't that wonderful and amazing?

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