Wednesday 13 May 2020

Scribble #114

I just want to write this down somewhere:

A lot of things are revealed in brighter focus and clarity as you get older. It happens all the time in life. You are changing, progressing, and adapting always; nothing stays the same. A serious and open-minded outlook and foresight means stronger survival skills. It is also important to try to be positive and remember sunshine, plants, and nature - remember how alive you are and everything else is - even during times of global crisis. More clarity and human truths are being revealed now more than ever - we now fully understand why politics should never be reduced to a joke and a playground game, like it has for the last several years. People are dying, and it has to stop.

On a comparatively trivial note, people's tastes and cautions (such as liking problematic things) also change over time - for example, most of the reviewers and critics found online, who I admired ten years ago, are dead to me now. Be wary of toxic nostalgia, and toxic and entitled fanbases. They aim to destroy and ruin, not love and create. Stay away from thoughtless, hateful and ignorant people who now have far too much time on their hands. Never encourage hate. Ever.

That is my two cents. Thank you.

As always, try to have a good, rich and fulfilling day. The sun will keep on shining for another day.

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