Sunday 7 October 2018

Doctor Who 2018 post

So I saw the new Doctor Who just now, begun in a state of... mostly dread. I kept my expectations below the barrel, practically nonexistent; I have been disappointed far too many times by this series.

And the first thing that struck me was that the dialogue is... natural. Well, as natural as a modern British sci-fi show can be. And the characters... act like people. I actually believed that they were real human beings. It's not only that they are diversely cast; I felt for them, I cared for them. Oh how I missed that in Doctor Who.

And the Doctor builds her own fucking sonic screwdriver! 

For the first time in a very, very long time, I am excited about Doctor Who. I am genuinely excited about a TV show that I can watch with my family. One or two eye-rolling moments aside, there is no forced comedy, the characters have real personalities and a purpose to be in the story, there are no Manic Pixie Dream Girls (or Guys, suns forbid), and actions have heartwrenching consequences. A guy is killed for not eating his salad - now that is absurdity/horror I can get behind.

Could it be that I am caring about Doctor Who again? That the fandom is pulling me back in, successfully? I will continue to watch this series, and I hope I won't end up eating my own words here.

I will conclude these thoughts by saying that I am glad that we no longer have to tolerate Steven Moffat and his head up his own anus and him treating his audience like fucking morons.

Female Doctor away!!!!

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