Saturday 26 May 2018

Book Review - 'A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo' by Jill Twiss, Marlon Bundo (Inspiration), E.G. Keller (Illustrator)

'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver''s giant F-U to the Vice President of the United States in the form of a children's book, all proceeds going to the Trevor Project and AIDS United. What a time to be alive.

'A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo' should be read by everyone - the tale of two boy bunny rabbits falling in love and getting married won't even take three minutes to warm your heart, fill your tear-ducts, and give you the fuzzy feels. And give you hope. 

Everything is political, there is no getting away from that fact nowadays, and above all else this sweet, adorable and massively funny picture book is about love, and accepting that difference is good, that change for the new and better is good; difference and progress are natural. Love in all forms is natural. To be able to love freely is to survive, to live.

LBGTQ themes and issues being made available to children in stories like this one is a beautiful thing - between this, 'The Legend of Korra' comics, and the works of Katie O'Neill, a cultural revolution is happening and it is not going away. We shouldn't hide the fact that queer people exist from children anywhere, for ignorance and lack of education lead to fear, intolerance, bullying, and violence. Just look where it has gotten us. And gay children do exist as well; it is not sexualizing them, anymore than when showing children to have heterosexual crushes, which is universally seen as acceptable and normal.

Another thing to note: Homophobes never seem to consider that a member of their own family might be gay, which is very likely, no matter how much they may try to deny it - for the community is not a minority to be rounded up at once and then "cured" (in every disgusting, hate-filled, inhuman way).

'A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo' is about pure, fun love, and tolerance. It is also about the importance of voting - an ingenious addition in teaching the next generation how they can help make a change whenever they are feeling powerless and scared. These are important lessons coming at a crucial time, published for the people in this unusual satirical manner, that is written and drawn spectacularly. Such lovely watercolours! The book is for us to enjoy and reflect upon.

Long live the gay bunnies! Long live the gay otters! Long live the lesbian cats!

"Stink bugs are temporary. Love is forever".

Final Score: 5/5

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