Friday 2 February 2018

Heroines of Legend: Fictional Universes - 33: Daleina (The Queens of Renthia)

Strengths: Determined, brave, down-to-earth, hardworking, caring, protective, selfless, persistent, resilient, smart, well read, well organized, strategic, resourceful, creative, responsible.

Weaknesses: Sells herself short, self-doubt, is a little quiet and shy, overly-dependent, more intellectual than practical when out in the field with the deadly spirits.

Powers/Abilities: Affinity in sensing and controlling the nature spirits in Renthia to keep them from killing people, since their instinct is to slaughter the "intruding, destructive humans". She is unique in that she allows the spirits more freedom - to express themselves in creative, productive ways, rather than forcing them into submission. She encourages them to grow and develop other outlets for their anger at humans. As a queen she can summon and control all spirits far and wide in Aratay, keeping the peace.

Will: Moderate to strong.

Home/Place of Origin: Greytree (now destroyed), Aratay, Renthia.

Occupation: Queen of Aratay.

Social Standing: Extrovert - she makes friends easily and hangs out and about with them, whilst taking her study time in solitude very seriously.

Ethnicity: Indeterminate from the book's description; she could likely pass as looking Caucasian in her fantasy world.

Sexuality: Heterosexual (who is into polygamy, and taking different caretaker boys into her bed when fancy takes her). 

Other Trivia: The protagonist of The Queens of Renthia YA book series. Initially she is not gifted in possessing any special power; she has, however, always been gifted in mind and heart. A survivor of the village of Greytree's total destruction by spirits, she wishes to become a queen in order to be granted the power to control all the spirits in her country of Aratay, so nobody will ever again suffer a tragic loss like she has. Nothing comes easy for her. She will be faced with a lot more bloodshed and loss in her struggle, and on her hard-earned path to becoming queen; not to mention there are difficult political and moral issues. Everything is at stake. She will be forced to make hard decisions for the good of her people, even though, throughout her training, she got to know the base nature of the bloodthirsty spirits of earth, fire, air, water, wood and ice; such as finding a balance for creativity and peace between the humans and spirits. Being a queen is both a gift and a curse to her. She makes a great many female friends in Northeast Academy, where all girls with the affinity for spirits attend for competition to become queen of their country. But no competitiveness exists, and there are no rivals or enemies: for (almost) all of the girls look out for and support each other. Women rule in Renthia. As well as a subversion of a Mary Sue YA heroine, Daleina is a subversion of the virginal YA heroine. Has a pet wolf named Bayn. In the sequel to the first book, 
The Queen of Blood, titled The Reluctant Queen, she will try to recruit a new queen by her side, a wife and mother of two, Naelin, because she is dying in her duty as queen. It is hard for Daleina to be happy at all, but she doesn't give up, and always thinks of others and their needs. Very human, very determined.

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