Friday 21 July 2017

Sexists and misogynists will find any excuse to complain about anything not about them. Just what is this about a woman Doctor Who taking away role models for boys? First of all: Fuck off. You have literally thousands of male role models over the centuries to emulate, fictional and non-fictional. Just like with the female-led 'Ghostbusters' reboot, your original male-orientated/catered franchise will not magically disappear from existence at the presence of a woman in the spotlight. Over fifty years and twelve male Doctors are still being remembered. Big shock, I know, that the universe doesn't explode whenever anything in it doesn't revolve around men. Second: Why the hell can't a woman be a role model for boys? Girls are made to look up to male heroes all throughout their lives, because female role models are so limited, ignored and are generally weak and/or unheroic in comparison that we give them no choice. Nobody generally gives this a second thought, because it's the norm, the default, and so we don't question it. But when a heroic woman protagonist is put in center stage, and is not part of the Smurfette Principle in a group of diverse boys, it's all "Oh won't somebody think of those poor fragile wittle boys who simply can't identify with girls because they have those alien things called vaginas?! Their role model quota is so small as it is! Why, horror of horrors, they may have to see women as human beings who exist!!!! DEVIL!!! ANARCHY!!! BURN THE WITCH!!!"

A woman's existence is not political. Nobody's identity should be a political issue. Recognizing the diversity of humanity should not be up for debate. Get over yourselves, you overly-privileged, attention-seeking ignoramuses. Change is good, healthy, economically sound, and safe for everybody, including you. Share that power you have always had and never earned. Despite the sudden backward political climate right now, tolerance and decency are not dead. Think before you speak and act.

Also, the first female Doctor will mark the first transgender Doctor as well. Imagine, a transgender hero in a popular mainstream science-fiction show spanning five decades. So there.

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