Saturday 8 April 2017

Scribble #46


They say, for this is such a common generalization, that men with scars are sexy. But what about women? We also suffer hardships, we also live and experience so many things. Thanks to what society expects and inflicts on us, those scars are more emotional and mental than physical.

Which is why I've formed a club - a women's circle dedicated to talking about any marks on their body - any at all - and either drawing, sewing or knitting them on a piece of fabric that will grow bigger and bigger each week. Emotional and mental scars will be talked about as well, and those will be added to the quilt - an image symbolizing what an individual scar means to the inflicted person. It's a therapy group above all else. The quilt will be formed onto a plate of armour and chainmail - a symbol of strength against all adversity. Then we will begin the next quilt, for scars, and struggles, never cease. But sharing is caring, and so is talking and listening.

And who the hell says that women can't be complicated and sexy, too?

(Special thanks to Clarissa Pinkola Estes for the idea, in her book, 'Woman Who Run With The Wolves')

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