Tuesday 3 December 2013

Book Review - 'Old Bear' by Jane Hissey

I admit it, I remember little about the book itself. I'm basing my rating on the television series, and how many laughs and tears my family and I shared during that blissful time called childhood. 

The characters were distinctive and adorable; and not just because they were stuffed animals and so were automatically endearing to my mind as a nipper. As well as being a cute adventure story, 'Old Bear', most importantly, contains a subtle message about never leaving anybody behind; not your family or your friends. Growing old isn't such a scary thing if you still have people around who care about you, and will do whatever it takes to make you feel happy and welcome. 

Age, and whether or not you've "passed it", shouldn't matter to anyone. People and objects should be loved and appreciated for who and what they are. I believe that this is what I (oh, so long ago!) had subconsciously absorbed from both reading and watching 'Old Bear' (maybe that's why I'm always reluctant to give up old things, though I'm very adaptable by nature). It is a sad but lovely tale about never leaving anything go to dust and be forgotten about.

Is it possible to remember only snippets of a story but still feel that warm nostalgic feeling towards it? And to be reminded of it in years gone by because of it? With 'Old Bear', it's possible. Anything is.

Final Score: 5/5

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