Thursday 29 December 2022

Worst Books of 2022

Time for a reflection on my reading year, as I make my worst books and my best books lists. I'll be getting the worst out of the way first.

It's been a shit year, both in general and for me personally. I've suffered a lot of bad luck, and failures; many of life's blows. I've had a bereavement period, and together with such a static and unchanging life of going through the same, soul-crushingly dull motions nearly every day, I've been pretty depressed. I'm still not feeling good, nor am I happy, to be honest. A very bad to mediocre reading year hasn't helped my mood. This list in particular will be a long one.

I read 155 books this year. Sure, most of them are graphic novels, and rereads, and then there's the skimming. But I'd say I did fairly well.

I've also done a lot of clear-outs and have given away many of the books I liked or loved in the past. I've reevaluated my old favourites, thanks to rereading. Incidentally, here's my rereview of Fruits Basket.

Things are only getting worse, and I sincerely hope that next year, if I can't make the world a better place, I can at least get out of my funk and be more brave and assertive; make big changes in my life, and not be in such a slump.

But first, my opinionated Worst Books of 2022 awaits, for anyone to read if they want to. No rereads will be included, nor DNFs.

Hated Three Star Books of 2022

Before I get to the worst of the worst, there are a couple of books from 2022 that are, er, special, and I would like to mention them. They could be considered dishonourable mentions, except I did rate them three stars instead of two or one for a reason. They are overall good books containing very high points, but unfortunately, to me at least, one major aspect to them has caused me to not love them, even hate them, for how disappointing they are. For they are disappointing, considering how bafflingly critically acclaimed they are.

Welp, no use putting it off any longer, here are my Hated Three Star Books:

The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes

This book may have ruined my life. It is the reason I now hate The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali. It is the reason I will never read another coming-out YA novel ever again. I cannot stand any form of the Bury Your Gays trope, done to further a homophobe's "redemption". I loathe how the homophobic adults in these stories have the maturity of two-year-olds; they have no fucking business being parents, let alone civilised members of society. They see their children only as objects; as a means to an end. They have no love for their children, queer or not, not even conditionally. I don't care how "realistic" they are: they are abusers, there is no getting around that, nor excusing them. RELIGION IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR CHILD ABUSE - I will say this at the top of my lungs and to the heavens every chance I get. And most damning of all, I loathe how these monster parents keep being easily forgiven at the rushed end of the story, when they did nothing to earn it, beyond saying they're sorry (it takes the death or almost death of a queer person they know for them to "see the error of their ways" - they are not good people if it takes THAT for them to suddenly realise how wrong they were! They're still being self-centered about it!) - and everything is fine and dandy and happy and forgotten. This isn't realistic.

Sorry, it's just, when it comes to Lesbiana's... I hate Yamilet's mother. I hate her so fucking much. What a cunt.

Link here to my review of The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School for more.

Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by Jadzia Axelrod (Writer), Jess Taylor (Artist)

Same sort of thing applies. This DC comic, while it is clearly trying to be progressive, is trans torture porn. It is misguided, miserable and meanspirited. There is victim blaming and shaming, just for the allegorical trans person existing. Bigots don't deserve the time of day. They don't deserve sympathy. It's especially disheartening when they are not punished in any way in the story.

A tip for all writers everywhere: Stop having your LBGTQ protagonists apologise to their abusers. Stop it. It's victim blaming and gaslighting.

Also, if your LBGTQA+ work contains such sensitive subject matters and is so meanspirited, hateful and partial to bigot/abuser sympathy/apologia and victim blaming that LBGTQA+ audiences can't read or watch it without being triggered - if there are many trigger warnings with no relief, no catharsis - it's a sign you should start all over again. Consult sensitivity readers.

Link here to my review of Galaxy: The Prettiest Star for more.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the list proper:

Top 30 Worst Books of 2022

30. The Haunting of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes

29. Lily by Rose Tremain

28. Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball by Laura Ellen Anderson

27. A Witch's Love at the End of the World, Vol. 1 by Kujira

26. Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan - Review link here.

25. I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston

24. Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun by Tọlá Okogwu

23. 5 Seconds Before a Witch Falls in Love by Zeniko Sumiya

22. Valiant Ladies by Melissa Grey

21. Crumbs by Danie Sterling

20. The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl - Review link here.

19. Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys (Writer), Andrew Weiner (Writer), Brittney Williams (Artist)

18. Yesterday Crumb and the Storm in a Teacup by Andy Sagar

17. Far Sector (Far Sector #1-12) by N.K. Jemisin (Writer), Jamal Campbell (Artist)

16. Rainbow Brite, Volume 01 by Jeremy Whitley (Writer), Brittney Williams (Artist), Xenia Pamfil
 (Artist), Christine Hipp (Artist), Valentina Pinto (Colourist), Taylor Esposito (Letterer)

15. Life of Melody by Mari Costa - Review link here.

14. Hedgewitch by Skye McKenna

13. Nancy Drew: The Palace of Wisdom by Kelly Thompson (Writer), Jenn St. Onge (Artist), Triona Farrell (Colourist), Ariana Maher (Letterer) - Review link here.

12. Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega

11. Scarlet Witch: The Complete Collection by James Robinson (Writer), Various Artists

10. Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend by Alys Arden (Witer), Jacquelin De Leon (Artist), Sam Lotfi (Artist), Wes Abbott (Letterer) - Review link here.

9. Youngblood by Sasha Laurens - Review link here.

8. The Last Witch: Fear & Fire by Conor McCreery (Writer), V.V. Glass (Artist), Natalia Nesterenko (Colour Artist) Jim Campbell (Letterer) - Review link here.

7. Mina and the Undead by Amy McCaw

6. Wilder than Midnight by Cerrie Burnell

5. Salt Magic by Hope Larson (Writer), Rebecca Mock (Artist) - Review link here.

4. Impossible Jones, Vol. One by Karl Kesel (Writer/Inker), David Hahn (Penciller)

3. Stargirl (Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #1-2) by Geoff Johns (Writer), Lee Moder (Artist), Various Artists

2. Hooky (Volume 1) by Míriam Bonastre Tur

1. Sky Doll: Decade 00>10 (Sky Doll #0-3) by Alessandro Barbucci (Creator, Writer, Drawings), Barbara Canepa (Creator, Writer, Colours)

Next is the positives: My Top 24 Best Books of 2022!

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