Monday 28 March 2016

Scribble #23


'D for Denzel Washington.'

'Action films are getting more boring. Everything is more boring. Nothing surprises anyone anymore, especially not children.'

'Never expect little of anyone or anything. Either be caught off guard and surprised, or be prepared.'

'B for Barry Scott.'

G for Get me the f$^&*% out of here!'

'Poetically Correct.'

'PC imploded.'

'Exploding moths.'

The inward markings of a tree stump are in the shape of a colony, or a canyon, or the labyrinth of the Minotaur.

Why is the moss so green among putrid brown woods?

What's that on the poor, mighty tree, standing strong and sturdy? Paint? No, nature. Decay.

Lichen clings to the tree, coiling all around it like a bristly caterpillar. Will the strong oak become its cocoon, ready to burst into a more beautiful nature at just the right time?

So many sticks, twigs and leaves on the ground, so many ruts, and skeletal branches keep poking me.

Is bark a tree's wrinkles? The snapped-off layers of time?

There is always something new amidst the old.

Always follow the sun. The moon. The river. They will lead you home. Where you need to be.

Ivy grows all over the trees. Such pretty green shapes, like the ace of spades.

What is a promise un-kept but another dark hole of misery and distrust in humanity's fragile, encrusted core?

Maybe we buy things impulsively and desperately in order to fill the void of unsatisfied ambitions and needs in our hearts. But that's the curse of money: We can never have enough, and we can never get enough of throwing it away. The cycle of easy and soulless living continues...

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