Monday 15 March 2021

Book Review - 'Clueless: A Totally Classic Picture Book' by G.M. Berrow, Amy Heckerling, Heather Burns (Illustrator)

A cute children's retelling of the classic 90s teen flick 'Clueless'.

'Clueless' is a quarter guilty pleasure, quarter escapism, quarter feelgood popcorn chick flick, and the other quarter one of my absolute favourite films from the 90s, which is hilarious, feminist and progressive for its time. And it was written and directed by a woman, so it's authentic and wholeheartedly genuine as well as a comedy magnum opus. Plus, I'm a girly girl at heart, who likes bright colours, and pretty clothes and accessories (not necessarily fashion, because I wear whatever I want and don't care for brands, trends and fads).

'Clueless: A Totally Classic Picture Book', which sets the characters in elementary school instead of high school (nice touch having Dionne's mum drive the girls to school rather than Dionne herself driving), is about friendship, and accepting people for who they are and what they like. It's the usual "Be yourself" message from any children's media, but it works well. The main focal characters are Cher, Dionne and Tai; and maybe Travis and Amber. Others such as Christian I think only appear on one page. Josh is MIA in the entire picture book, which is baffling because who wouldn't want to include Paul Rudd in anything? Oh well, I suppose his absence is tied to the downplaying of the romance in this book about elementary school students. The emphasis is on friendship.

It's a colourful, cartoony, fun little book, overall. A must for 'Clueless' fans.

It's great that a female-centric film from the 90s has risen beyond a cult status and has gained the attention and appreciation it deserves. Amy Heckerling's film is a "bubblegummy" comedy chick flick that is much deeper than its surface level suggests. It's the best kind of popcorn entertainment. And it's just a funny, sweet, tender movie.

Final Score: 3.5/5

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