Wednesday 28 September 2016

Book Review - 'The Worst Princess' by Anna Kemp (Writer), Sara Ogilvie (Illustrator)

Another day, another cute feminist princess storybook for children.

'The Worst Princess' isn't about a "worst" princess at all. Sue starts out waiting for a prince to come rescue her from her tower, as is her traditional role. She grows bored after a hundred years (!?), and she reads to pass the time, and lets her hair plaits grow. 

Then she is finally "rescued" by a prince... only he puts her in another tower prison, where she isn't allowed to go explore and have adventures of her own. That's a man's role, after all. 

Sue doesn't take this lying down! In the most hilarious and satisfying fashion. She isn't the "worst" for wanting freedom!

This reminded me of 'The Princess and the Pony', 'Princeless' (right down to the dragon companion), and other feminist princess fairy tales coming in the bucket loads nowadays. But it is a good one, nonetheless. Princess Sue, the prince and the dragon are literally the only main characters shown; simple and on point, working in the short story's favour.

'The Worst Princess' teaches important lessons about independence and taking charge of your own life, and not to let anyone, especially those who claim to love you and know what's "best" for you, put you in a box because of your gender. An abuse allegory? Am I thinking too deeply into the subtext of a kid's picture book?

Girls, fly and create mischief! The rhyming and illustrations are charming and cute, as well.

Short and funny and sweet, that's 'The Worst Princess' for you!

Final Score: 4/5

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