Wednesday 20 September 2023

Book Review - 'Once Upon a Witch's Broom' by Beatrice Blue

What an adorable, lovely and soft children's witchy picture book, containing an important message about self-esteem and loving yourself for who you are.

I'd read one other 'Once Upon a' fantasy picture book by Beatrice Blue, 'Once Upon a Unicorn Horn', and liked that too. So of course I was going to read a witch origin tale version. 'Once Upon a Witch's Broom' really is a beautiful, lush and colourful little fairy tale, which is also about friendship and close, supportive and reassuring relationships. It has definite magical girl magic, vibes and energy to boot.

And you can't tell me that Moira and Lilly, the young best friend witches, aren't an LBGTQ+ couple. Or at least they grow up to become a romantic pair, living happily ever after together. Come on - they are drawn and written to be very close. Rainbows of certain colours are even drawn in a few of the pages.

'Once Upon a Witch's Broom' - another gem for witch fans everywhere.

Everyone is different. Everyone has a unique skill and ability - a relic, that makes them them - and it doesn't mean they are less. It makes them truly special, and it is something to be proud of.

It makes them fly, like on a witch's broom. It makes them magical.

"Nothing needs to be perfect. I only have to be myself."

Final Score: 4/5

P.S. I just realised that this is my 900th review. Huh.

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